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Tag: Auto Insurance

The Benefits of Umbrella Insurance

The Benefits of Umbrella Insurance

Accidents can happen to anyone, often leading to extensive financial losses. Umbrella insurance is a type of personal liability coverage that covers injury to others or damage to their possessions. It covers other family or household members as well as policyholders. It is a low-cost way to obtain significant additional liability coverage. Umbrella insurance provides the following benefits. Broader Coverage Umbrella personal liability insurance can...

Catalytic converter theft

Catalytic converter theft

Catalytic converter theft: Your questions answered Catalytic converters are some of the most expensive car parts due to the precious metals inside them. Unfortunately, the valuable metals that make catalytic converts work also make them tempting to thieves—especially when they find vehicles whose owners haven't done anything to protect them. According to the U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ), 21 people were charged or arrested in...

What You Need to Know About Auto Insurance As a Rideshare Driver

What You Need to Know About Auto Insurance As a Rideshare Driver

Ridesharing driving can be a great way to earn income on a flexible schedule. If you are working as a rideshare driver, it is important to ensure you have the auto insurance coverage you need. Insurance provided by rideshare companies such as Uber and Lyft will not cover their drivers in all situations. Speak with our friendly agent for help with the coverage you need...

Car Insurance Terms You Should Know

Car Insurance Terms You Should Know

The auto insurance policy you choose can be a lifesaver if you are involved in an accident, whether you or another driver was responsible. The amount you will pay out of pocket for repairs, whether your policy will pay for a rental car while it is being repaired, and if you are covered when traveling and driving a rental come into play when making a...

Car insurance for seniors

Car insurance for seniors

As you age, your driving habits likely change. Your car insurance should follow suit. Be sure your insurance provider can adapt right along with you, accommodating your lifestyle while still providing adequate coverage at a price you can afford. Do seniors have to pay more for car insurance? Car insurance rates tend to start increasing once drivers reach a certain age—usually the later stages of...